The Scouts are at War! 

The Scouts are at War! 

teen series subject: mathematics English language The Scouts are at War! Series 2, Book 4 of the Publication The Scouts are at War! Description: Classe-croûte scouts will compete (based on weight, height, doubles, duration and a surprise competition) to see who is the...
Groko Versus the Enemy Menace

Groko Versus the Enemy Menace

teen series subject: mathematics English language Groko Versus the Enemy Menace Series 2, Book 1 Title of the Publication :Groko Versus the Enemy Menace Descriptif: Cherished liberty: 80% of children with disabilities have separated parents. If knowledge makes it...
More or Less Agreeing…

More or Less Agreeing…

teen series subject: mathematics English language More or Less Agreeing… Series 2, Book 7 Title of the Publication : More or Less Agreeing… Description: Numbers are sacred. You only have to look at them to guess their little games. They are dispersed or grouped...
The Classe-croûte agenda

The Classe-croûte agenda

teen series subject: mathematics English language The Classe-croûte agenda Series 2, Book 3 Title of the Publication : The Classe-croûte Agenda Description: The Agenda of the Century ! The Classe-Croûte agenda is almost perpetual, you only need to change in the year...

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